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Diapering When SHTF

When you first become a parent, one of the decisions you have to make is the type of diapers you use for your little...

How to Barter and Trade in an SHTF Economy

Barter is a hot topic in prepper circles, so I thought we thought we should tap more deeply on this matter. How quickly did people...

The World After Hurricane Irma in Florida

After Hurricane Irma in Florida – Miracles Galore Well, she wasn’t as bad as expected, but she wasn’t great either.  Let me begin by acknowledging...

Prepper Skills That Will Come In Handy When SHTF

If you’re familiar with the world of prepping for natural disasters and other life-changing, cataclysmic events, you probably have some provisions. You’ve decided that...

Ways to Prepare Your Homestead for SHTF

The truth is although you may get some advanced warning of a SHTF situation, no one will predict it with absolute certainty. There are...

Survival Tips for Before SHTF!

The Prepper's Daily has emphasized again and again how disasters can happen at any given moment. With that in mind, tune in for some...

Home Defense Tactics That You Need To Know Before SHTF

If there’s one piece of advice that you need to know on home defense tactics in an SHTF or disaster scenario, it’s that having...

Elderberries, Natural SHTF Flu Remedy

The flu can be deadly even before a SHTF disaster when modern medical care is still readily available. The 2017-2018 winter flu season has...

9 Ways to Heat Yourself Post-SHTF

When SHTF, the first things most people will focus on is trying to find food and water. But if you’re a prepper you know...

Humanure – The Perfect SHTF Sanitation System

If you are not yet composting human waste on your homesteading survival retreat or bugout location, you should be. For far too long folks...

Ways You Need To Prepare For Solar Minimum

  Throughout the United States, you may notice the change in seasons from summer to fall is happening at a much faster rate than normal....