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How to Prep for The Domino Effect of Disasters

When the SHTF, it is going to get messy…very, very messy. The domino effect sparked by either a natural or man-made disaster will be...

10% of Americans are affected by diabetes

Diabetes affects nearly 10% of Americans. Normal day to day management of the disease is tricky enough. Add in the disturbances of an emergency...

How to Prepare Your Mind For The Coming Crisis

  Coping With Negative Feelings: Loneliness And Boredom Today, I’d like to talk about two of the worst feelings in the world: loneliness and boredom. Now,...

What Services You Can Provide During a Crisis

The Great Depression was the worst financial and economic disaster of the 20th century. The Wall Street crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression...

Ways You Need To Prepare For Solar Minimum

  Throughout the United States, you may notice the change in seasons from summer to fall is happening at a much faster rate than normal....